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Managed IT Services Could be a Huge Time Saver for your IT Department

Posted by XMC Inc on Feb 25, 2019 8:00:00 AM

A lot of businesses incorrectly assume that there are only two choices when it comes to managing their IT needs: in-house IT services or managed IT services from a third-party. The truth is that both solutions can be combined to provide a comprehensive and complete IT security solution for businesses of all sizes. With managed IT services, businesses can get the support they need while still having the benefit and convenience of on-site, in-house IT staff.

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Topics: managed IT, managed services

How Going Green Can Save you Some Green With Managed Print Services

Posted by XMC Inc on Feb 18, 2019 8:10:00 AM

It is more and more common to see businesses setting targets that are not only based on sales numbers, client attraction, or employee retention. While those targets are all still important, many businesses are considering sustainability targets as well.

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Topics: managed print services, managed services

Security is Paramount in Managing Your Financial Documents

Posted by XMC Inc on Feb 11, 2019 7:08:00 AM

Like almost any industry today, the financial industry is affected by ever-changing technology, which provides great advantages but also new challenges. For example, it allows financial advisors to connect with customers in ways that would have never been possible before. Conversely, technology can introduce IT security issues or compliance concerns. Balancing this potential for using technology with the realities of cybersecurity can be a challenge.

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Topics: managed IT, managed services

Provide the Highest Security and Efficiency for Your Practice With Healthcare Document Management

Posted by XMC Inc on Feb 5, 2019 7:12:00 AM

People working in the medical profession have some of the most intensive privacy regulations they must follow when it comes to patient information and data. HIPAA clearly defines the rights of patients and responsibilities of healthcare professionals when it comes to sensitive personal information. Of course, this makes complete sense as a person’s medical history is often their most private and sensitive information.

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Topics: xerox connectkey, managed services, HIPAA

Xerox ConnectKey: 5 Features That You Didn’t Know It Had

Posted by XMC Inc on Jan 18, 2019 10:04:00 AM

It goes without saying that every modern office requires at least one printer or copier. Ideally, it should be a multifunction printer, too. This ensures that office workers enjoy the full benefits of multiple devices from just one machine.

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Topics: xerox connectkey

What Are the Advantages of Leasing Copiers and Printers for Small & Medium-Sized Businesses?

Posted by XMC Inc on Jan 16, 2019 9:56:00 AM

Though every office is different, it should still probably go without saying that there are certain types of equipment that you should expect to find in every one of them.

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Topics: office equipment, leasing, copiers, printers

Which Filesharing Apps Are available with Xerox ConnectKey?

Posted by XMC Inc on Jan 11, 2019 9:51:00 AM

Multifunction printers are so commonplace in modern offices that it’s become easy to take their services for granted. Everyone knows what they are. Everyone knows they’re essential, too.
But not everyone understands just how much a multifunction printer can improve an office’s productivity, at least when it’s outfitted with the right technology. Xerox ConnectKey transforms multifunction printers into machines capable of supporting greater productivity than ever before.
What Is Xerox ConnectKey?
When Xerox introduced ConnectKey in 2017, they promised a brand-new type of office tool, one unlike any other companies were currently using. They have not disappointed.
Xerox ConnectKey turns normal multifunction printers into major sources of increased productivity. This platform is accessible through a tablet-like interface that allows users to transform physical documents to digital, securely print offline, even choose which of 40+ languages they want their document translated into, and so much more.
One of the many things to love about Xerox ConnectKey is that it can seamlessly integrate with the most popular filesharing apps on the market. This means you’ll have access to all of your company’s most important documents – even the password protected ones – right from the ConnectKey interface.
With Xerox ConnectKey mobile link app, you can even access these documents from your company’s filesharing platform and print them without even being in the same room as the machine.
5 ConnectKey Filesharing Apps Available to Your Business
Investing in Xerox ConnectKey means being able to access a number of powerful apps, including those for SalesForce, QuickBooks, and many others.
This also includes a number of ConnectKey cloud storage apps that will give your staff instant access right from your multifunction printers. Five of the best options are listed below.
While they each offer their own unique benefits, they all support the following formats:

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Topics: xerox connectkey

An Actionable Guide to Managed Services: What Makes MPS, MNS, & DMS Work for My Business?

Posted by XMC Inc on Jan 9, 2019 9:40:37 AM

If your office is like most, it’s responsible for greater and greater demands every year. Your company’s ability to continue growing largely depends on your office’s ability to keep up.

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Topics: managed IT, managed print services, managed services

Cut Through the Noise: How to Optimize Office Workflows with Managed Services

Posted by XMC Inc on Nov 28, 2018 2:20:26 PM

There are two kinds of offices in the world – frenzied, chaotic places and serene, productive work environments. One of the most important factors that determines which path an office goes down is efficiency.

Efficiency comes in many forms. An efficient office is a clean office, for example. Otherwise, employees would be unable to quickly find the tools and documents they need to complete tasks.

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Topics: managed IT, managed print services, managed services

What Are the Top Managed IT Trends for 2019?

Posted by XMC Inc on Nov 28, 2018 1:43:39 PM

Unlike the latest fashion trends, IT trends can have a huge impact and leave a lasting legacy on those who participate in them. This is because advances in IT infrastructure are beginning to converge along similar lines, creating compounding benefits to the organizations that adopt them.

For instance, managed IT trends are pointing towards greater flexibility and decentralization while offering a more integrated user experience. Organizations that invest in the appropriate infrastructure decisions now can reap the rewards of these decisions for years to come.

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Topics: managed IT

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